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Northwestern Buffett Institute for Global Affairs

Impressions and Reflections

Photo credit: "Test for COVID-19 in East Timor" by Government of Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste , distributed under Public Domain

Un récit du confinement : avant, pendant et après

By Éva Abouahi

Éva Abouahi est agrégée et professeure de philosophie en lettres supérieures et en classes préparatoires aux écoles de commerce (« Classes Préparatoires aux Grandes Écoles ») à Reims. Elle prépare une thèse sur « La notion de salut chez Sartre » à l’E.N.S. et à Sorbonne Université sous la direction de Marc Crépon et de Jean-François Louette


Un panier en osier

By Francesca Musto

Docteure en philosophie à l’École Normale Supérieure de Paris et à l’Université Vita-Salute San Raffaele de Milan, je m’occupe de logique et de métaphysique. Mes recherches portent notamment sur la question du néant et de la négativité dans la philosophie antique.


An Immodest Proposal

By Samuel Weber

Samuel Weber teaches Critical Theory, German and Comparative Literature at Northwestern and directs that University’s Paris Program in Critical Theory. In 2021 his new book “Singularity: Politics and Poetics” will be published by the University of Minnesota Press.


Au fond de l’inconnu pour trouver du nouveau !

By Mali Alinejad Zanjani

Doctorante en philosophie à l’École normale supérieure de Paris, Mali Alinejad Zanjani mène des recherches sur l’ontologie, la noétique et la psychologie d’Avicenne et sa réception latine au XVIe siècle. En particulier, ses recherches portent sur l’imagination et la matière. Elle est aussi artiste plasticienne.


Between Two Cities

By Anthony Curtis Adler

Anthony Curtis Adler is professor of German and Comparative Literature at Yonsei University and the author of Celebricities: Media Culture and the Phenomenology of Gadget Commodity Life (Fordham, 2016). His current project is on the politics of truth. He wrote his doctoral dissertation under the direction of Samuel Weber and was a fellow of the Paris Program in Critical Theory.


Frontières, Race, Virus et Radiations

By Eddine Bouyahi

Eddine Bouyahi is a PhD candidate in Political Science at Northwestern University and Sciences Po. After completing his Masters at Sciences Po on the politics of land redistribution in Zimbabwe, his current dissertation project focuses on the links between labor, nationalist politics, and populism in Southern Africa.


Breathing Together: The Fantasy of Total Institutions and the Commonality of Air

By Jonas Rosenbrück

Jonas Rosenbrück recently completed his Ph.D in Comparative Literary Studies and German at Northwestern with a dissertation titled “Senses of Smell: The Differentiation of Air in Hölderlin, Nietzsche, and Ponge.” Starting in Fall 2020, he will be a Postdoctoral Fellow at Northwestern. He also serves as Director of Volunteer Development for the Northwestern Prison Education Program.


Bas les masques !

By Li Manhua

Dr. Li Manhua received her PhD in philosophy at École Normale Supérieure in Paris in 2019. Her dissertation entitled “Le corps ascétique”(“The Ascetic Body”) explores genealogy as a transcultural critical approach, and provides an account of the body as the milieu of ascetic practices in Mencius and Zhuangzi on the one hand, in Nietzsche and Foucault on the other. Her research focuses on contemporary French philosophy, 19th and 20th century German philosophy as well as pre-Qin and contemporary Chinese philosophy. Her writing of the body engages actively with current affairs such as bio-ethics, gender, technology, environment and cross-cultural value conflicts involving these issues.



By Felipe Alarcón

Felipe Alarcón has a PhD in Philosophy from the École Normale Supérieure. His research studies the relationship between philosophy and literature in French contemporary thought. He has translated books by Jean-Luc Nancy, Serge Margel, Jean-Christophe Bailly, Michaël Fœssel and others into Spanish.


I Would Prefer Not To

By María Bacilio

María Bacilio est née à Mexico. Actuellement elle vit et étudie à Paris où elle est en première année de thèse en philosophie à l’École Normale Supérieure. Elle a fait son master en philosophie contemporaine à l’ENS et sa licence en philosophie à l’Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.


In Defense of Agamben

By Maureen Winter

Maureen Winter is a doctoral candidate in the Department of French and Italian at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. She works on the relationship between gesture, theatricality, and fabulation in the cinema of Agnès Varda and Robert Bresson and Jean Genet’s theater. Her philosophical interests lie at the various points of intersection between the works of Gilles Deleuze and Giorgio Agamben, particularly in relation to politics. She is currently living in Paris as a fellow of Northwestern’s Paris Program in Critical Theory.


Living with Portuguese Plagues

By Patricia Anzini

Patricia Anzini holds a Ph.D. degree in Comparative Literary Studies from Northwestern University (2018). At Universidade Católica Portuguesa, she is the Program Assistant of its Doctoral School, the Executive Director of The Lisbon Consortium, and a researcher at the Research Centre for Communication and Culture. She studies Brazilian culture, hemispheric and transnational literature, poetry and poetics, and Walt Whitman.


Living with Shopping Carts

By Sorrel Dunn

Sorrel Dunn is a PhD candidate in Comparative Literary Studies and German at Northwestern University. Her research focuses on color and color theory to examine human-environment relations in German and Austrian literature since 1800.


Mutual Aid Beyond Borders

By Muhammad Ridha

Muhammad Ridha earned his bachelor’s degree in Political Science at the University of Indonesia. Supported by an Australian Development Scholarship, he received his Master’s from Murdoch University. He worked as a researcher at Pusat Kajian Politik (Puskapol) Universitas Indonesia and became an independent consultant and researcher for several non-governmental organizations in Indonesia. He is a doctoral candidate in the Political Science Department at Northwestern, where he is researching left politics in Southeast Asia.


Philodendron erubescens : Complainte d’une plante de bureau & Manus hominis : Complainte de la main engantée

By Nibras Chehayed and Guillaume de Vaulx

Nibras Chehayed: chercheur post-doctorant (Marie Curie) dans le domaine de la philosophie contemporaine, rattaché au CERILAC (Université de Paris) et à l’Institut français du Proche-Orient (CNRS). Il est l’auteur du Corps aux fils de l’écriture aux éditions Classiques Garnier. Nibras Chehayed is a post-doctoral researcher in contemporary philosophy, affiliated with the CERILAC (University of Paris) and the French Institute of the Near East. He is the author of Le Corps aux fils de l’écriture: Nietzsche après Derrida (Classiques Garnier). Guillaume de Vaulx is a philosopher, attached presently as researcher at the French Institute for the Near-East in Beirut. His principal field of research is classical Arabic philosophy, especially philosophy from the 9th and 10th century, and the history of zoology in Arabic language.


Aire de services philosophiques

By Mario Ranieri Martinotti

Mario Ranieri Martinotti studied literature, philosophy and political science at the Sorbonne, the École des hautes études en Sciences sociales (EHESS), Sciences Po, UC Berkeley, and at the École normale supérieure of Paris. He is the author of two master’s theses: “Kafka. La parabole des réfugiés” (2018) and “Le déchaînement de la réalité vraie: Lukács/Auerbach, Balzac/Dante” (2020). He recently wrote a diary of his coronavirus confinement.


Plague as Play in Pathologic 2

By Nate Brimner Smith

Nate Brimner Smith is a 2020 graduate of Northwestern’s School of Communication, having completed a BA in Radio/TV/Film. Their multimedia stage adaptation of Ingmar Bergman’s Persona was produced in association with NU’s Dept. of Performance Studies in 2018. They have also edited several student films.


Renforcement de l’autoritarisme et résistance civile

By Zona Zarić and Ivica Mladenović

Zona Zarić est doctorante en philosophie morale. Elle rédige une thèse intitulée «Phénoménologie d’une politique de la compassion», à l’ENS Ulm au sein du département de philosophie, école doctorale 540 (Ecole transdisciplinaire lettres et sciences), Archives Husserl UMR 8547, sous la direction de Marc Crépon et Cynthia Fleury. Ivica Mladenović est doctorant en sociologie et en sciences politique et chercheur à l’Institut de philosophie et de théorie sociale de Belgrade (IFDT). Il rédige une thèse intitulée « Les intellectuels français et la destruction yougoslave : structuration d’un espace public » à l’Université de Belgrade et à l’Université Paris 8, sous la direction de Laurent Jeanpierre et Ivana Spasic.


La crise vue du « dehors » (Taïwan)

By Héctor G. Castaño

Héctor G. Castaño, Ph. D. in Philosophy (Université Paris Nanterre, 2017), works currently as a postdoctoral researcher at the Research Center for Chinese Cultural Subjectivity in Taiwan (National Chengchi University) and has been appointed program director at the Collège International de Philosophie (2019-2025).


The United States in Collapse

By Abigail De Kosnik

Abigail De Kosnik holds a doctorate in Comparative Literary Studies and Radio/Television/Film from Northwestern University, and is a former fellow of the Paris Program in Critical Theory. She now directs the Berkeley Center for New Media and serves as Associate Professor in the Berkeley Center for New Media and the Department of Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies. She researches popular media, particularly digital media, film and television, and fan studies, and is the author of Rogue Archives: Digital Cultural Memory and Media Freedom. She is currently writing a book on artists, politicians, journalists, and “regular” media users who self-identify as media pirates, with the working title Performing Piracy.


Trees, Lungs, and Gender

By Cintia Kozonoi Vezzani

Cintia Kozonoi Vezzani is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at Northwestern University. She holds a B.A. from the University of São Paulo, was an exchange student at the Université Lumière Lyon 2, and was a member of the Northwestern Paris Program in Critical Theory. Her writing can be found most recently in the edited collection Comparative Perspectives on the Rise of the Brazilian Novel (UCL Press, 2020).
